The bathroom. A useful little space isn't it? I love it in there. I'm a freak about keeping the counters clean and clear from clutter. I wish I knew why, considering I'm OK with keeping other counters... well, not so clutter free.
It's a great space to update too for a few reasons. For starters, it's small and less intimidating. Which naturally results in less money to spend! Also, a few minor tweaks make a BIG impact which, I don't know about you, but really makes my day!
Here are a few items I've found out an about that I totally recommend. Just in general though, take a few risks in the bathroom. Do something FUN! Shower curtains can be changed out SOO easily so why not buy one that's bold? Like this one. Once you've got the overall color scheme from an item you love, the rest is just about matching those tones and style in the accessories. That's not too hard, is it?
Dwell Medallion Shower Curtain, Target

What else, what else. Oh yes, counter accessories.
Taking into consideration our bright bold shower curtain, the accessories should be pretty simple in design and color. I mean, lets break this down like an outfit. Say you put on a crazy floral top. Wouldn't your earrings be best on the simple side. Otherwise they would be competing. Home design is very much similar to wardrobe styling.
These are timeless and cool. Also i think your spouse will like their more masculine look.
Store Resin Bath Accessories, CB2

Okay, I've completely fallen in love this bath mat. Not as cheap as a cloth bathmat but worth the extra money. Why? Well, I can't count how many times I've thrown out beautiful Anthroplogie mats because they just get dirty. Then I wash them and the material never quite looks the same. This one has a spa like feel and can be washed in the shower with you when it gets dirty. The modern, simple but still bold design is a nice compliment to the shower curtain, wouldn't you say?
Pebble Bath Mat, CB2

Artwork. I was brainstorming something cool an unexpected for this space. Then BAM I found it! Tons of people on etsy do these hand drawn profiles. I love the idea of having something personal like this. If you aren't too stoked on YOUR profile, how about using your kids, or a pet's? Just this morning I was driving by Michaels and saw a 60% off all framing sign. It would be adorable double matted with white and a thin bold color (either yellow or purple to pick up the shower curtain). OR if that's still too pricey, simple black frames can be picked up anywhere nowadays for SO cheap!
Custom Hand Drawn Profile, Etsy

So one thing I forgot was towels. I'm super into white towels. They can easily be bleached and give you that clean feeling. Home Goods has a plethora of white towels for super inexpensive!
Baby's awake-gotta go! Enjoy your day!
~ Bec and Call
is the mat made of actual pebbles? I love it! I see that many people are putting these smooth pebbles as the floor in their shower- I think I'd love to have that earthy (pebbly?) feeling on my bare tootsies!
Yes! I'm almost positive it is! I've seen that flooring and love it! Very spa like:)
ReplyDeleteI agree Becca - Jordan is always trying to tell me that something won't look good. Like he fought me SOO bad on the color to paint the office ( i won) but still... like, he can't decorate. I saw his house before me!