So I just remembered that I have Anthropologie Christmas stuff from last year that I bought AFTER Christmas for a smokin' deal. I could barf I'm so excited! A hand embroidered beaded tree skirt-originally $200 that I swiped for $30, and a dozen eclectic ornaments ranging from vintage style icicles to woodsy animals made of straw :) I even picked up some miniature felt bright colored ornament balls for Wes' Christmas tree at Urban Outfitters.
I remember thinking to myself, "self, next year you will be so stoked off this!"
Now if I can just get my respectably-crazy at work on our future lives-of a husband to hop up in the attic for me to fetch it down. Trust me, I would do it myself if I knew he wouldn't be upset about it. He has a fear that I'll fall and hurt myself in the process. He seems to be forgetting that I spent the last 2 years of my life on the top step of a ladder leaning out while drilling, IN HEELS :/ Or maybe I failed to tell him all the things I did at work that put me in harms way on a daily basis? whoops :)
So all these thoughts have me thinking of Anthropologie and how much I miss it. Especially this time of year. If you have never experienced this store during the holidays I suggest you look up a location in your area, set aside a few hours, pick up a peppermint latte, and check it out. You won't be disappointed, promise! Maybe it's the different scented candles burning in all areas of the store (My personal holiday favorite, Hot Buttered Rum) OR the unique thoughtful and one-of-a-kind-esque gift ideas displayed oh so perfectly on every surface, OR the handmade, hand designed decor that employees spend 40plus hours a week working on? Whatever it is, you will leave inspired.
Here are a few fun things they've got going on this year....
Remember too that on top of a wonderful visual experience, anything you buy will be gift wrapped in the cutest little package ever. So when you factor in those two things, it's worth the extra few dollars you'll spend.
I've focused on items under $20 that would make perfect hostess gifts. Let me know what you think!
This, to me, is a great 'show up for a party' gift. It's something they can open and enjoy BEFORE the holidays, unique, and special. I'm all for wine, but really don't you want to bring something that says, 'i thought about this gift."
Not, 'I picked this gift up on the way over here'
Santa Lucia Snowflake Set, Anthropologie

Here's the candle collection I was talking about. The tin gets re designed every year~and this years' is ADORABLE! All the smells are amazing, but like I said, Hot Buttered Rum has stolen my heart.
Sweater Weather Tin Candle, Anthropologie

I remember making giant versions of these snowballs and chucking em at each other last year :) They were formed out of batting, spray glue, and fake snow. They looked so fun! People asked if they could buy them. Looks like Anthropologie took the hint and made some smaller versions for sale :) And ok, So maybe this wouldn't be a great choice for a the average hostess.Most might think, WTH? Snowballs? But I'm sure some of you have that special person in mind who'd totally appreciate such quirkiness. Like, me. Feel free to pick me up some :)
Snowball Fight, Anthropologie

Anthropologie sells these classic novels: Alice in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, Whithering Heights, to name a few. And now, they added A Christmas Carole.
Even if you aren't a reader, what a cute accessory for the holidays. Who wouldn't want it? You could even start a little collection for someone.
A Christmas Carole, Anthropologie

These are pretty.