It's been a million years since I blogged.
Truth be told, there is no real good reason. Although deep down, I'm pretty sure it stemmed from me feeling a bit dime-a-dozen-like. These days it seems as though EVERYONE has a blog, everyone has style, and most people are multi-talented and promoting those attributes by the click of a button. This cyber-land of creative powerhouses is what has turned me off of this whole thing. What can I bring to this crazy, diverse, fluid, and amazing table?
Who the heck am I?
One thing I do know about myself is that I am and will always be consistently in-consistent, ever changing like a chameleon wandering from one surface to the next.
In most ways, I dislike this about myself, but then-the more I think about it-that's the thing that makes me, me. I'm not the person who will fore-go the opportunity to down a GIANT burger and fries with a friend because I'm trying to eat healthier. I'm not the person who rushes out the door to a gym class-leaving the possibility that I may sneak in a cuddle on the couch with my husband, just because I told myself I will get fit.
I seem to make my choices in the moment, and not based on what goal I have set for myself that day. Some call that a lack of dedication. I'm come to realize that my dedication is there, but that it changes with the situation at hand. It moves with the ebb and flows of life.
SO, consistent, fashionable, and creative cyber world what can you do with that? Or more importantly how will I take that and make it work for you? We shall see. I have ideas that may or may not surface.
Stay tuned~
Bec and call
Monday, July 18, 2011
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Happy Hostess
So I just remembered that I have Anthropologie Christmas stuff from last year that I bought AFTER Christmas for a smokin' deal. I could barf I'm so excited! A hand embroidered beaded tree skirt-originally $200 that I swiped for $30, and a dozen eclectic ornaments ranging from vintage style icicles to woodsy animals made of straw :) I even picked up some miniature felt bright colored ornament balls for Wes' Christmas tree at Urban Outfitters.
I remember thinking to myself, "self, next year you will be so stoked off this!"
Now if I can just get my respectably-crazy at work on our future lives-of a husband to hop up in the attic for me to fetch it down. Trust me, I would do it myself if I knew he wouldn't be upset about it. He has a fear that I'll fall and hurt myself in the process. He seems to be forgetting that I spent the last 2 years of my life on the top step of a ladder leaning out while drilling, IN HEELS :/ Or maybe I failed to tell him all the things I did at work that put me in harms way on a daily basis? whoops :)
So all these thoughts have me thinking of Anthropologie and how much I miss it. Especially this time of year. If you have never experienced this store during the holidays I suggest you look up a location in your area, set aside a few hours, pick up a peppermint latte, and check it out. You won't be disappointed, promise! Maybe it's the different scented candles burning in all areas of the store (My personal holiday favorite, Hot Buttered Rum) OR the unique thoughtful and one-of-a-kind-esque gift ideas displayed oh so perfectly on every surface, OR the handmade, hand designed decor that employees spend 40plus hours a week working on? Whatever it is, you will leave inspired.
Here are a few fun things they've got going on this year....
Remember too that on top of a wonderful visual experience, anything you buy will be gift wrapped in the cutest little package ever. So when you factor in those two things, it's worth the extra few dollars you'll spend.
I've focused on items under $20 that would make perfect hostess gifts. Let me know what you think!
This, to me, is a great 'show up for a party' gift. It's something they can open and enjoy BEFORE the holidays, unique, and special. I'm all for wine, but really don't you want to bring something that says, 'i thought about this gift."
Not, 'I picked this gift up on the way over here'
Santa Lucia Snowflake Set, Anthropologie

Here's the candle collection I was talking about. The tin gets re designed every year~and this years' is ADORABLE! All the smells are amazing, but like I said, Hot Buttered Rum has stolen my heart.
Sweater Weather Tin Candle, Anthropologie

I remember making giant versions of these snowballs and chucking em at each other last year :) They were formed out of batting, spray glue, and fake snow. They looked so fun! People asked if they could buy them. Looks like Anthropologie took the hint and made some smaller versions for sale :) And ok, So maybe this wouldn't be a great choice for a the average hostess.Most might think, WTH? Snowballs? But I'm sure some of you have that special person in mind who'd totally appreciate such quirkiness. Like, me. Feel free to pick me up some :)
Snowball Fight, Anthropologie

Anthropologie sells these classic novels: Alice in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, Whithering Heights, to name a few. And now, they added A Christmas Carole.
Even if you aren't a reader, what a cute accessory for the holidays. Who wouldn't want it? You could even start a little collection for someone.
A Christmas Carole, Anthropologie

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Decking the Halls
I'm currently sitting in my bedroom, A laundry Christmas Tree on top of my bed, listening to the 'Christmas genre' on Pandora (For those who like to mentally paint a picture while reading, Bing Crosby White Christmas playing.)
Usually, when I sit down to relax or write something I like the area I'm in CLEAN. Not clean in a dust free/spotless kinda way (I'm absolutely NOT OCD.) Just a clean to the eye sort of way. SO, this is out of the ordinary for me.
I'm just too excited about Christmas. This time of year I find myself looking for signs of Christmas. Street lights adorned with cheesy decor, My McDonalds coffee cup to change from tan and black to red with white snowflakes (unfortunately still just tan/black )
I've been this way since I can remember.
Before Tim and I got married my Dad warned him that I'd bug him to get down the Christmas Decor, and light up the house WELL before Dec 1st.
(Yes, Tim's already had me bugging him for 3 days now. lol. Poor guy)
I've noticed that my brain doesn't retain details of memories-like say, my sister Jenna's. I wish I was more like her. She can tell you what happened to her at age 8 down to who was there, what was said, etc. My brain DOES however remember vividly how I felt during a certain memory (and what I was wearing :)) Never do I remember a negative feeling during this time of year. Maybe that's why it is so special?
So in dedication to this time of is a few fun decor items I've found.
Let me know if you like them. Remember less is more when decorating for Christmas. Meaning less surfaces should be decorated. Also meaning, don't waist your money on a snowman cover for your toilet seat lid :/
I'd focus on turning a few areas in your house into a winter wonderland, as opposed to just throwing them everywhere with no rhyme or reason. I mean, where's the Christmas spirit in that? Be thoughtful about what you want to do. It shows. You don't need to spend countless hours, but a little thought up front with a little love while putting something together will show and go much further! Trust me! And if you have kids, include them in some of it!
Another important thing for me is setting the mood. Who wants to put up Christmas decor with The Price Is Right on in the background? If it's hot outside, close the blinds, make hot chocolate and put on Pandora Christmas, and even a muted Christmas movie in the background. It's much more fun :)
I do realize I'm a cheeseball. Just so you know.
Ok, I'll start with my favorite find. $5 of each item sold goes to St. Jude. The gift that gives TWICE, You've gotta love the giving spirit in that! Plus it's not lame. I LOVE the modern simple design.
West Elm, Musical Objects
Might I also add that this would be a super cute hostess gift.

This is another 'Object accessory' it would be beautiful with the one above. I like that it fits the white/modern theme but is a different material. I'm imagining a collection of them on top of a mantle with snow, candles and a hint of greenery. Ahhhhh.

Not a fantastic picture so you will have to use your imagination. They are snowflake lights. These lit up on the mantle idea combo would be so stunning. Great, now I need a mantle :/
Ikea, Kalt Snowflake lights
Please disregard the random styling in this photo :/
I like the idea of holiday artwork. This is so traditional in a very 'now' sort of way.
Etsy Santa Wall Decal

Ikea tends to be a great place for ornaments (some anyway) and gift wrap. I LOVE white in a Christmas tree. Most people pick red and green. The WHOLE TREE IS GREEN PEOPLE! So I tend to stay away from anything green on a tree for lack of POP. I'm not too fond of the red/blue ornaments but lucky for me they sell the white only in sets of four. How pretty is the loop hole. I like that it isn't one of those cheap silver thingamigigers. They are also glass, which always looks nice lit up :)
Ikea, Novita
pack of 4 for $8
These are also super cute! LOVE LOVE the graphic patterns.
Ikea, Novita ornaments
Set of 4 for $4
At that price they'd be so cute tied to the top of your gifts.
So lets talk about gift wrapping. I'm a fan of thoughtful gift wrap. I think it makes the object inside feel genuine and more important, even if little money was spent. One of my favorite things to do is pick a new gift wrap theme each year. Two years ago I used brown craft paper with fun tie-on's and gift tags that were colorful. Last year I found giftwrpa that looked like vintage so the tie on was neutral and simple. Hmm, maybe THIS paper will be this years. It's hard to tell in the picture but it has personality, don't it?
I especially love the one with elf's on it :)
Ikea, Novita
$3 a roll
Just adorable to hold a gift or homemade cookies
(or store bought, if you aren't a baker like me)
Set of 3, $8
Friday, October 1, 2010
Dressing a table
Funny the things that make people happy. One of mine...'setting a table' for guests. I'm not sure what it is. I have a love affair with dinnerware and maybe that combined with the instant gratification of making something look beautiful and different instantly are what really does it for me. Yes, I think that's it. Also I must attribute some of it to my Mom. I can remember being a little girl and reaching in for a spoon or fork and grabbing out a different flatware design every time. She would buy them from thrift stores (slightly gross, maybe?) so they were all mismatched-(all sterling silver, of course.) I used to look at the monogram on the handle of one particular fork and think.....'i wonder who's saliva was once on this and where that person is now?' Who gets to have those kinds of memories. Not many, but then again not many would think such a thing :/
Another fond memory was drinking out of our vintage bright colorful tin glasses. They always kept your drink cold and it was a fun choosing a different color. We still use those. Those and the bright fiesta ware that she still hunts down today. You rarely saw a paper plate at my house. Lots of dishes, but almost never a paper plate. Still my Mom takes pride in her dishes. Displaying them in the merchandising them for the season at hand. That's what keeps life interesting. At least I think so. It's refreshing. So many of us have the same old dishes that we use for everything. Or maybe we have a set for everyday and a set for fancy days. How about having everyday be a fun fancy day?
At my house i have all different salad plates with white dinner plates. I love reaching in for a dish not knowing which one of my favorites I'm gonna pull out :) I secretly dish people up on the plate I think they will like most. It's good for your brain, mixing things up. True story, it is!
So this blog is dedicated to the love of all things tabletop. And my Mom. Love you Mom. Thanks for making dining an ever changing, fun, and delicious event. I aspire to grow up to do just the same :)
I saw these in the West Elm catalog the other day. Super cute and perfect for this time of year! I'm kind of a cheese ball, but I love that the rings of a tree symbolize life, a perfect theme that fits in with relatives around the dinner table :)
Wood Slices Organic Dinnerware, West Elm
Set of 4, $36

As for a centerpiece. Candles are always an in expensive re-usable way to make a space prettier. Something about the lighting too always makes you, and your guest prettier. Gotta love that. These candle holders are so simple and feminine but still have a modern shape. The glass plays nicely with the gold leafing on the plates, don't you think? Another nice little host-y thing could be to let each guest take one home when they leave ;)
Lumi Candleholders, CB2

So it's a hit or miss but Ikea sometimes has some great fabrics for SOO cheap! This one would be perfect either as a runner, or for more drama (or to cover a crappy looking table) as a whole table cloth. It goes with our little whimsy, outdoorsy, fall theme quite well doesn't it?
And please, no excuses about 'I can't sew!" Even I can hand stitch a straight line. A button on a shirt, now that's getting tricky :) but a straight line anyone can handle. While your at it sew some napkins!
Guinella, Ikea
Oconee Bells Napkin Rings, Anthropologie

These are just beautiful all around glasses. Fancy for a water glass, short for a wine glass, unexpected for a highball glass, PERFECT for all :)
Leo, Crate and Barrel

Hope this inspires you to have a fun little casual gathering. I know I wanna!
Even if it's just me myself and I . Dumb.
~Bec and Call
Even if it's just me myself and I . Dumb.
~Bec and Call
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Happy little things
So it's been over a week before I've posted anything. Not sure if anyone cares. I've been a busy girl. Anywho, here are a few little 'things' I've found and think are post worthy. They are in- expensive, fun, and in MY opinion good little gifts to give. This is something I own. I bought it because I've always got pictures floating around and truthfully there are only soo many frames one can have in a home before it starts getting tacky. I hung it on the back of the guest room door. WHY? Well, I don't know about you but as a guest at someones house I LOVE looking at their photos. Besides, it's a cool product, but not quite cool enough to hang in a focal prime location (in my opinion) so here they will be seen but won't take up valuable space.
Picture Window, Urban Outfitters
$25 for set of two
I mean, what guy doesn't get way too overheated ALL the time? Shoot, I wouldn't mind one of these right about now. Love that it plus directly into your computer USB port.
USB Fan, Urban Outfitters
I just love the modern version of these birds. Bathroom, back of a door, entry wall for purses or keys? I mean, they are so cute I don't think i'd want to hang anything on em!
Bird Hooks, Urban Outfitters
Okay, these storage baskets come in GOLD! Sorry but I'm excited about it. How perfect to buy a few of these with the USB fan for a soon to be college student.
Metal Crate, Urban Outfitters
Picture Window, Urban Outfitters
$25 for set of two

USB Fan, Urban Outfitters

Bird Hooks, Urban Outfitters

Metal Crate, Urban Outfitters

Monday, September 13, 2010
Spend or get off the pot
The bathroom. A useful little space isn't it? I love it in there. I'm a freak about keeping the counters clean and clear from clutter. I wish I knew why, considering I'm OK with keeping other counters... well, not so clutter free.
It's a great space to update too for a few reasons. For starters, it's small and less intimidating. Which naturally results in less money to spend! Also, a few minor tweaks make a BIG impact which, I don't know about you, but really makes my day!
Here are a few items I've found out an about that I totally recommend. Just in general though, take a few risks in the bathroom. Do something FUN! Shower curtains can be changed out SOO easily so why not buy one that's bold? Like this one. Once you've got the overall color scheme from an item you love, the rest is just about matching those tones and style in the accessories. That's not too hard, is it?
Dwell Medallion Shower Curtain, Target

What else, what else. Oh yes, counter accessories.
Taking into consideration our bright bold shower curtain, the accessories should be pretty simple in design and color. I mean, lets break this down like an outfit. Say you put on a crazy floral top. Wouldn't your earrings be best on the simple side. Otherwise they would be competing. Home design is very much similar to wardrobe styling.
These are timeless and cool. Also i think your spouse will like their more masculine look.
Store Resin Bath Accessories, CB2

Okay, I've completely fallen in love this bath mat. Not as cheap as a cloth bathmat but worth the extra money. Why? Well, I can't count how many times I've thrown out beautiful Anthroplogie mats because they just get dirty. Then I wash them and the material never quite looks the same. This one has a spa like feel and can be washed in the shower with you when it gets dirty. The modern, simple but still bold design is a nice compliment to the shower curtain, wouldn't you say?
Pebble Bath Mat, CB2

Artwork. I was brainstorming something cool an unexpected for this space. Then BAM I found it! Tons of people on etsy do these hand drawn profiles. I love the idea of having something personal like this. If you aren't too stoked on YOUR profile, how about using your kids, or a pet's? Just this morning I was driving by Michaels and saw a 60% off all framing sign. It would be adorable double matted with white and a thin bold color (either yellow or purple to pick up the shower curtain). OR if that's still too pricey, simple black frames can be picked up anywhere nowadays for SO cheap!
Custom Hand Drawn Profile, Etsy

So one thing I forgot was towels. I'm super into white towels. They can easily be bleached and give you that clean feeling. Home Goods has a plethora of white towels for super inexpensive!
Baby's awake-gotta go! Enjoy your day!
~ Bec and Call
Monday, September 6, 2010
i DO!
Its no secret by now that a passion of mine is to find and create things on a shoestring budget. For me there is no bigger thrill than to make something look great and still have money leftover to do other things with. However, I do believe there are SOME things worth spending a pretty penny on. It's a matter of sifting through what is needed and what isn't, what will give you the most for your money, and what wont.
Its about thinking before you spend.
Weddings are a topic for me today. Did you know that the average wedding costs $28,000?! $28,000! Is it just me or does that seem like a lot of money?
My brain sees that number and thinks HOUSE down payment, crazy fun family or friend vacation somewhere awesome, starting a business, etc. It doesn't say one day celebration.
Now don't get me wrong, if you comfortably have it to spend GO FOR IT! It's not you I'm talking to (although I'd love you to read along anyway :)) Also, you may be thinking, Is not MARRIAGE and a wedding worth splurging on? My answer, "it's not about that." Just because something is important and special doesn't automatically translate to multiple dollar signs. I think that's part of the problem people are having. They feel guilty for NOT splurging a little on their special day because they ask themselves, "Aren't WE worth it?" Well, you are also worth a debt free, stress free, fun marriage too.
I would suggest pondering whats MOST important to you about your BIG DAY. Is it photos? Food? Music? Spend the most there. There are so many ways to cut back on costs. You just have to think smarter. Imagine spending $10,000 on a wedding (It is possible-my husband and I spent $8,000 with an open bar) then you can have tons left over to enjoy a relaxing and equally important honeymoon.
Some suggestions:
Connections~Networking is a powerful tool. Think hard about people you may know that have a skill you need. Most likely they will discount their services for you. Maybe it's even a talented up and comer that would just love the opportunity to do it in exchange for some cool portfolio pictures.
Time of Day~Night weddings just tend to be more money. Dinner, DJ, Drinks. These are pretty standard for night weddings whereas during day weddings this isn't as much a necessity. Design~Keep in mind the style of your wedding. The more modern and simple in design, the less expensive the decor will need to be.
Location~Another important element that relates to design. For example, if your wedding is in a beautiful setting less decor is needed meaning less money and less time you need to put in to do it! Also, totally worth it to think of friends you may know that have a cool house/backyard you can use. The most expensive weddings tend to be the -all inclusive- ones. For instance if you are getting married at a hotel, most make you use their catering service which is always generic and overpriced. Problem is, you have no way around it! It's most budget friendly to find a location where YOU can control what catering service you bring in.
Sales~Sample sales are a perfect place to find wedding dresses! Who cares if they are a season old? Does that make it less beautiful? Also, keep in mind in expensive dresses that are simple can be tweaked to become more YOU. For our wedding I bought a $250 Davids Bridal halter dress. It had tacky beading, but was overall simple in style and was made of beautiful material. I spent an extra $150 to add a chartreuse green sash and vintage brooch. It made me happy knowing I didn't spend an arm and a leg and nobody will ever have my same dress.
technology~The music world has evolved soo much. If a DJ isn't super important to you, I totally recommend being YOUR OWN DJ and setting up an Ipod playlist. Sometimes that is better anyway because you can guarantee songs you love! Another cool way to use technology these days is to create a slide show. Everyone loves a slide show and what a cool in expensive way to make your wedding feel personal! Adding a friends and family section to the slide show would be the perfect touch :)
Here are a few cute wedding ideas. For fun.
Photo booths are so popular now and I totally see why. They are so much fun! If you can't afford an actual company to come and set up a professional booth, it's a great alternative to create your own (Martha Stewart has some cute templates for this!) Set up a fun backdrop that matches your decor and have your photographer OR even cheaper, a family friend take some fun shots of your guests.
In love with these cute simple paper props~
Party On A Stick, Etsy $28
Backdrop template,
Who says you have to do floral centerpieces? I love the look and feel of these lace luminaries. They are romantic and refreshing! Also, if you are on a budget then most likely you will be making a lot of the wedding decor. These can be made way ahead of time whereas floral arrangements need to be done the day of. Doesn't relaxing the morning of your wedding sound so much better?
Lace Luminarias template,
Last but certainly not least. It's always a good idea to have a something memorable and unique...... ~In love with this sign~
Its about thinking before you spend.
Weddings are a topic for me today. Did you know that the average wedding costs $28,000?! $28,000! Is it just me or does that seem like a lot of money?
My brain sees that number and thinks HOUSE down payment, crazy fun family or friend vacation somewhere awesome, starting a business, etc. It doesn't say one day celebration.
Now don't get me wrong, if you comfortably have it to spend GO FOR IT! It's not you I'm talking to (although I'd love you to read along anyway :)) Also, you may be thinking, Is not MARRIAGE and a wedding worth splurging on? My answer, "it's not about that." Just because something is important and special doesn't automatically translate to multiple dollar signs. I think that's part of the problem people are having. They feel guilty for NOT splurging a little on their special day because they ask themselves, "Aren't WE worth it?" Well, you are also worth a debt free, stress free, fun marriage too.
I would suggest pondering whats MOST important to you about your BIG DAY. Is it photos? Food? Music? Spend the most there. There are so many ways to cut back on costs. You just have to think smarter. Imagine spending $10,000 on a wedding (It is possible-my husband and I spent $8,000 with an open bar) then you can have tons left over to enjoy a relaxing and equally important honeymoon.
Some suggestions:
Connections~Networking is a powerful tool. Think hard about people you may know that have a skill you need. Most likely they will discount their services for you. Maybe it's even a talented up and comer that would just love the opportunity to do it in exchange for some cool portfolio pictures.
Time of Day~Night weddings just tend to be more money. Dinner, DJ, Drinks. These are pretty standard for night weddings whereas during day weddings this isn't as much a necessity. Design~Keep in mind the style of your wedding. The more modern and simple in design, the less expensive the decor will need to be.
Location~Another important element that relates to design. For example, if your wedding is in a beautiful setting less decor is needed meaning less money and less time you need to put in to do it! Also, totally worth it to think of friends you may know that have a cool house/backyard you can use. The most expensive weddings tend to be the -all inclusive- ones. For instance if you are getting married at a hotel, most make you use their catering service which is always generic and overpriced. Problem is, you have no way around it! It's most budget friendly to find a location where YOU can control what catering service you bring in.
Sales~Sample sales are a perfect place to find wedding dresses! Who cares if they are a season old? Does that make it less beautiful? Also, keep in mind in expensive dresses that are simple can be tweaked to become more YOU. For our wedding I bought a $250 Davids Bridal halter dress. It had tacky beading, but was overall simple in style and was made of beautiful material. I spent an extra $150 to add a chartreuse green sash and vintage brooch. It made me happy knowing I didn't spend an arm and a leg and nobody will ever have my same dress.
technology~The music world has evolved soo much. If a DJ isn't super important to you, I totally recommend being YOUR OWN DJ and setting up an Ipod playlist. Sometimes that is better anyway because you can guarantee songs you love! Another cool way to use technology these days is to create a slide show. Everyone loves a slide show and what a cool in expensive way to make your wedding feel personal! Adding a friends and family section to the slide show would be the perfect touch :)
Here are a few cute wedding ideas. For fun.
Photo booths are so popular now and I totally see why. They are so much fun! If you can't afford an actual company to come and set up a professional booth, it's a great alternative to create your own (Martha Stewart has some cute templates for this!) Set up a fun backdrop that matches your decor and have your photographer OR even cheaper, a family friend take some fun shots of your guests.
In love with these cute simple paper props~
Party On A Stick, Etsy $28

Who says you have to do floral centerpieces? I love the look and feel of these lace luminaries. They are romantic and refreshing! Also, if you are on a budget then most likely you will be making a lot of the wedding decor. These can be made way ahead of time whereas floral arrangements need to be done the day of. Doesn't relaxing the morning of your wedding sound so much better?
Lace Luminarias template,

Last but certainly not least. It's always a good idea to have a something memorable and unique...... ~In love with this sign~

Most importantly, be YOU! Make it feel custom to what makes you and significant other so special. And have fun :)
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